Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Thursday, 28 June 2001

I'm at 4500 words with just two half-scenes left to write. (Maybe one more scene of the love interest demonstrating an interest in the viewpoint character. I'll see how it looks once I get the other bits written.)

Having missed turning anything in this morning (the last chance to get another thing critiqued by Pat), there's really no rush now. It will easily be done for Monday morning.

Today being Thursday, naturally there was the reading at Archives Books. Mo came up to get petted and scratched around the ears, which made me feel appreciated.

Pat read two scenes from Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell, the pseudonymous author of There and Back Again by Max Merriwell by Pat Murphy. They were a stitch. She explained that the story was about lying. (Also, I think, about telling the truth and other things that fiction writers do.) The action takes place on a cruse ship. It sounds delightful.

Another thing that happened at the reading was the presentation of our scholarships. We all got scholarships this year. I received the Marjorie and Walter Farrell Scholarship, which I very much appreciate. We all got nice, framed certificates.

I'm writing this after returning from the reading. I have a lot of reading of my own to do. There are five stories to read, with an average length of nearly 5000 words. Because they knew that the evening would be taken up with the reading and the scholarship presentation, they've scheduled class for 12:30 PM tomorrow instead of 9:00 AM.

I'll read as much as I can this evening, then go to bed. Tomorrow I'll read what's left, do my critiques, and then do my writing.


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