Philip Brewer's Writing Progress


Tuesday, 22 July 2003

Not such good writing today. A bunch of fragments of the next section that don't fit together yet. I'm not disappointed though. I did some writing, and it wasn't all fiddling around with stuff I'd already written. (Although I did add on paragraph to set up the eventual resolution.)

I've got a longish vacation coming up. Some of it will be spent away, first in Kalamazoo for the Michigan Fiber Festival and then in Toronto for WorldCon, but there'll also be time spent at home. And I'm planning on bringing my laptop on the travels, so I should be able to write while away as well.

Ran 1.5 miles yesterday and then 1.5 miles again today. This morning I slept until after 7:00. That's probably a sign that I've been overdoing it. My legs aren't sore, though, so I'm probably overdoing it just a bit.

I was planning on taking a rest day today, but I had ordered new running shorts and they arrived today, so of course I had to go out for a run. I kept it short. I think that's good enough.


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