Got a chunk done on the novel–about 700 words, which is just about what I’ve been averaging. Speaking of which, I also changed the moving average in my spreadsheet so that it tracks my average production for the trailing 7 days, because there are clearly some impacts on my productivity that vary by day of the week. This will smooth that out, at the cost of the average responding more slowly if my productivity changes in some more fundamental way. What I’d really like, I guess, is a logarithmic moving average that weights recent days more highly, but I’m not geeky enough to go to the trouble to do that.

Also wrote a Wise Bread post which hasn’t been scheduled yet, but which will probably go live some time tomorrow.

Jackie spent the morning setting up the yarn room at the Spinners and Weavers Guild Annual Show and Sale, then spent the evening attending to the room, answering people’s questions, and demonstrating spinning.

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