A downed branch in Winfield Village. #lichensubscribe
Tag: winfield village
2024-05-18 14:30
Whenever I have to go out and do things, especially when I have to see people, or worse yet have to talk to them, and I actually do, I ask the rhetorical question, “Am I not the most socialist of all possible butterflies?” Today I was the most ice cream socialist of all possible butterflies!
2024-01-23 18:55
Street lights on the ice glaze left by freezing rain.
2024-01-06 09:01
After yesterday’s brightly colored dawn, a dramatic change: Today’s rather somber snow on the sycamore tree.
2024-01-05 07:16
I took Ashley out just a little earlier than usual, because the dawn sky was so pretty. And good that I did, because now it’s pretty much just grey out there.
2023-12-07 09:20
For a few weeks near the solstice, you can see the sun rise between the buildings east and south from my house.
You can see the sun, but don’t look at the sun.
2023-11-30 06:57
An above-average dawn sky.
2023-10-28 11:53
Zoomies! #dogsofmastodon
2023-09-26 13:14
I grabbed this image and sent it to my brother @stevendbrewer, saying “I guess I don’t need to get to Yellowstone now.”
Then Winfield Village sent me this text:
UREGENT MESSAGE FROM ILLINOIS AMERICAN WATER A main water line into the property has broken and a boil order is in effect until 5:30 pm.
2023-08-31 05:24
The Winfield Village finance committee (everyone here interested enough in the budget to show up) met last night. The subject of interest rates came up, and I was surprised to find it a near-unanimous opinion that rates were going to stay high at least through 2024.
Thinking of myself as a contrarian, I always worry just a bit when I agree with everyone, but I think they’re right.