Wow! Today’s #lilycount is 63! I think that’s the highest lilycount we’ve ever reached. Bonus: You can see Spleenwort, our front-step gargoyle, way over on the left. #bloomscrolling
Category: Local
2024-06-12 15:59
Today’s lilicount 17.
2024-06-11 11:37
I didn’t get my lilicount photo posted yesterday, but since there’s just one lily today, I’ll go ahead and post yesterday’s lilicount 10 photo a day late.
2024-06-09 8:29
First of our lilies. lilycount 2
2024-05-24 09:22
Not too long after we moved here, I saw an enormous snapping turtle, the size of a dinner plate. This is probably that same turtle, now the size of a serving platter.
Not a great picture, because Ashley was Very Interested in the turtle, and letting them play would have ended badly.
2024-05-23 09:13
The first periodic cicada of the year. Or, you know, the decade-plus.
I dragged Jackie out to see it. Because—you know—who knows how long it might be before she has another chance to see one?
(Yes, that’s a joke.)
2024-05-14 08:01
I didn’t get a view of the aurora, because I didn’t stay out long enough for the sky to get fully dark. (I’m an early-to-bed kinda guy.) I did, however, get a rather lovely post-sunset dusk sky picture while I was waiting for full dark.
2024-04-13 18:27
A view out my study window, where the flowering crabapple tree is in full bloom, and a dandelion flower with a pollen-covered bee. #bloomscrolling
2024-03-14 09:40
Here: Have a pretty Pi Day sunrise.
2024-03-12 12:10
Just a piece of bark with some lichens on it. A little moss too, I guess. #lichensubscribe #mosstodon