If I were a bio-terrorist, I think my next project would be to engineer a fish flu, hoping to enormously build on the damage to the human food supply caused by bird flu. (I am a fiction writer, and neither a bio-terrorist nor a genetic engineer, so no worries. Plus, I rather like fish. Even as I type, Jackie is making salmon burgers.)
Tag: jackie
A walkable dog 🐕🦺
Jackie walked Ashley successfully for a couple of days right after we brought her home from the shelter, but then we had a couple of incidents where the dog pulled her over, or yanked the leash out of her hand, and we realized that it wasn’t safe for Jackie to be the dog walker.

Over the past couple of years though, Ashley has gradually become more tractable, and today we decided to experiment once again with Jackie being the dog walker.
It worked great! Ashley pulled some, but I don’t think Jackie was ever in danger of being pulled over, or of losing the leash.
We were thinking of it especially because tomorrow I’m going to spend close to 10 hours at an all-day sword fighting workshop organized by my local club TMHF, which is bringing in three well-known HEMA instructors to teach classes. There’s a group lunch, but I’m going to have to miss it to dash home and walk the dog. But since this outing went so well, hopefully next time there’s something like this, Jackie will be able to do the dog walking. It’s also a useful backup, just in case I’m sick or injured, to have Jackie able to do what’s necessary.
2024-11-29 15:41
2024-10-01 10:06
At 10:00 AM on the first Tuesday of the month, the county tests its emergency sirens. #dogsofmastodon

The very first month we had Ashley, we happened to be walking right under one of the sirens at the moment it started up. Ashley started howling along with it, which made me laugh. And Ashley looked a little embarrassed, thinking she’d done something wrong. I didn’t want that, so I started howling as well.
Since then, Ashley and I (and Jackie when she’s with us) have howled along with the emergency sirens every month.
Our neighbors have not complained, although I suppose they think we’re rather weird.
2024-09-27 12:56
To celebrate voting (and because the dog is at her Canine Academy) we’re having lunch out. I’ve got a Three Floyd’s Zombie Dust (yummy—I’ve had it before), and Jackie has a Big Grove Old Fashioned.

2924-09-27 09:23
Jackie and I have exercised the franchise.
You can’t really see it in this photo, but there are a wide range of diverse, multi-ethnic “I voted” stickers this year.

2024-08-19 13:25
2024-08-18 06:39
Jackie almost always gets up before me and makes the coffee. But every few weeks I’ll wake up first and then I’ll be the one to make the coffee. And when I do, I bring Jackie a cup of bed coffee.
Ashley routinely stays in bed until the second person gets up. #dogsofmastodon 🐕

2024-07-26 12:57
Jackie found a sticker with the logo for Buff yesterday, even though we haven’t bought any lately. I told her I could put it in the envelope of stickers I’m saving for my next laptop. This morning she left another sticker for me. And just now another sticker.
They’re coming thick and fast.

2024-06-30 17:40
Over the months we’ve had her I’ve described Ashley as being puppish, puptastic, and pupalicious. But just recently I’ve realized that she as best described as being doggedly pupstanding in her field. 🐕 #dogsofmastodon