I do get a fantastic number of steps, almost entirely just walking Ashley.

All consumer-grade heart rate monitors have issues. Chest straps are pretty good. The optical captures from wrist (Google Pixel watch, etc.) or finger (Oura ring) are quite a bit less accurate.
I’ve generally just tolerated it—taking the reported data with a grain of salt—but sometimes it would be nice to get good data. Today I did a little experiment with my Google Pixel watch—tightening the strap at the midpoint of my run—and found that it seems to give me pretty good data this way.
What you see is my warm-up, followed by 1 mile out and then 1 mile back. The HR shown for the “out” phase (averaging maybe 180 bpm) is ridiculous—what it’s capturing is not my HR, but rather my step rate.
In the second half my HR goes from about 160 to slightly above 170 (gradually rising as I get tired), and that’s probably just about right.
(The standard formula for estimating your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age, which would give a max HR of 156 for someone of my age. But that’s clearly wrong for me. I pretty regularly see peak HRs of just over 170 that seem entirely legit. I assume that my genes and my training history just give me a higher max HR than typical. Sadly, it doesn’t make me faster, as you can see from my average pace for this run. I was running literally as fast as I thought I could maintain for 2 miles.)
Anyway, I think I can recommend tightening up the Pixel watch band as tight as tolerable, for getting the most accurate data.
You couldn’t see it, even if it weren’t behind the Oura ring “activity” sticker, but there’s a Great Blue Heron near the middle of this photo.
Anyway, “Go me!” for getting an activity score of 100 from my Oura ring.
Heading out for her evening walk last night, the dog saw one of the neighbor dogs that she likes to tussle with, and lunged that way. I didn’t let her get loose, but the leash did twist my pinky, which is now all sore and swollen. (The swelling even spread to my ring finger, so I took my Oura ring off, just in case. But it fits okay on my left hand, so I haven’t had to quit wearing it.)
I’m managing the injury okay with rest and ice (and drinking some collagen), but I fear I’m going to have to miss my HEMA class this evening: My hand isn’t up to swinging a sword.
According to my Oura ring, my readiness has been declining for days now. Doubtful about the ring’s guess—that I wasn’t getting enough recovery in—I largely ignored its advice to take it easy. But after a crappy run yesterday, and another crappy readiness score, I’m taking today as a rest day.
Mildly amusing. Low peak for the first dog walk, notch for drinking coffee and Jumbletime, then my most active time is 7:00 AM, for the second dog walk.
Before I got a dog, my most active time was 11:00 AM, because that’s when I finally get to my workout.
I’m a little surprised to get a score of 100, considering that I didn’t go for a run. In fact, I got a 2 hour nap in the early afternoon.
It’s true I spent most of the rest of the day walking the dog.
I got a 100 on my Ours ring activity score twice in the past week, and it’s standing at 100 for today so far. Go me!
Badge from my Oura ring today. Photo of me from my HEMA class last night (a guard position called Tag).
My activity score of 100 due purely to walking the dog. Well, and sleeping better since getting a dog.