All the cool kids shared this video weeks ago. I’m late to the party, but I didn’t want to miss out completely.

I was busy, but now I have some time while I wait for the UPS guy to show up.

It’s interesting: I have no tags with which to tag this post. (Well, I do have the tag “fiber” but I use it to tag posts about textile fiber.) Rather than leave it untagged, I added the tag unicorn, even though it will just confuse things next time I wrote a post about unicorns.

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3 thoughts on “Unicorn poop

  1. Well, now you’ve spoiled Christmas because now you know what you’re getting. I hope you’re satisfied.

  2. As much as you poop, you’ll need two anyway. Anything to improve the efficiency of defecating, which in your case takes up way too much time. Here, let me share with you these joke I have written especially for you …

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