I get a steady stream of email from people saying, “I saw you linked to some webpage and I thought you might want to share this other webpage with your readers!”

This is never going to work.

What might work is treating me like a person who might have common interests: Send a link. Tell me what it says (so I have a reason to follow it). Let me decide if it’s so interesting I should share it with my readers.

At some point in the last few years, presumably related to my writing for Wise Bread, a whole bunch of PR flacks started sending me their press releases—mostly  about money stuff, with a little writing stuff and journalism stuff thrown in.

It has been very tedious, but I have hesitated to mark these messages as spam, because the topics are things that interest me (even if the actually email messages are almost never of any interest whatsoever).

After spending a year or two just deleting all that crap manually, I’ve spent a few minutes today making a filter that grabs that stuff and puts it in a folder called “Lame PR” so I don’t have it cluttering up my inbox.

So far I’m sorting by sender, because I think there are only about a dozen senders behind the majority of this crap. Maybe I’m mistaken. There may be too many senders. But I doubt if they’re doing the spammer tricks to make this stuff hard to filter. (They’re hoping that I find their “content” so useful, I’ll be using filters to make sure I do see their content!)

Once I get them filtered out, my inbox will be much more useful than it has been.