During today’s longsword and rapier class with my HEMA group, Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing, we noticed that a banner had gotten crooked, and took a break to adjust it.

During today’s longsword and rapier class with my HEMA group, Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing, we noticed that a banner had gotten crooked, and took a break to adjust it.
My new Sigi Forge rapier arrived!
The default length (normal), is probably several inches longer than ideal for Meyer rapier fencing, but there are advantages to having a longer blade.
I’m very pleased.
I’m finally sending out my newsletter! An “issue zero” just went out, but starting next month you’ll be getting actual newsletters. My first cut at a title is “Sword fighting, writing, and a dog,” because that’s what I seem to be spending my time on these days. (I’ll try to get more writing stuff in than I have been just lately.)
If you’re interested, subscribe here: https://philipbrewer.micro.blog/subscribe/
Last night, in celebration of my birthday the day before, my local HEMA club (Tempered Mettle Historical Fencing) honored me with what’s called a “bearpit”: I faced all comers with rapier or longsword for three passes each.
I made a video: