Jackie got some pineapple juice for some cocktail or another, so I seized the opportunity to make us each a Zenaida Dove. (Hers has a bonus Luxardo cherry.)

Jackie got some pineapple juice for some cocktail or another, so I seized the opportunity to make us each a Zenaida Dove. (Hers has a bonus Luxardo cherry.)
I tweeted this recipe a month ago, and today had to spend 10 minutes tracking it down—a good reminder that anything original I do should be posted here on my blog first and then tweeted, not just posted to twitter.
Here the recipe:
1 oz Roses Lime
1 oz Campari
1 oz bottled pineapple juice
1 oz Cruzan blackstrap rum
Basically, it’s a Jungle Bird, but without fresh juice.
I’d had it in mind to make it for cocktail hour this evening, but sadly we just finished the pineapple juice. I guess it’s a Boulevardier for this evening. (Hence, no picture. Sorry.)