One signifier of a fast-approaching birthday (when you get to be my age) is that you get ads for life insurance. I mentioned to Jackie that we don’t need life insurance, and she said that it especially didn’t matter because she was counting on me to outlive her.

“For one thing, you’re younger than me. For another, you’re doing all you can to do so. Well, not to outlive me, but to live a long time.”

“I’ll admit,” I replied, “It’s getting rather late for me to die young.”

Back in 2020 I bought a set of gymnastic rings, and used them for pull ups, dips, and inverted rows during the period that fitness rooms were closed due to the pandemic. More recently, I’ve been doing a lot of club and kettlebell swinging—using equipment that was unavailable during the pandemic, but that I’ve purchased since.

I like the club and kettlebell stuff. However, probably because I’m not programming the workouts as well as I might, I don’t seem to be making progress. In fact, in some ways I’m backsliding. So, now that the weather supports getting outdoors and putting my rings up again, I’m going to do more of those workouts.

Today I did a circuit with three rounds of:

  • Jump rope (x110, x120, x120 jumps)
  • Dips (sets of 1 full dip + 5 negative dips)
  • Wall sit (1 set of 30″ left/right legs, 2 sets of 45″ two-leg)
  • Inverted rows (x7, x9, x9)
  • 3-way core (30″ each of hollowbody hold, inverted plank, shoulder taps)

This picture has nothing to do with my workout. I took it while walking the dog at dawn.

A tree in the foreground with the sun rising beyond it.